Energy Systems

Volterica creates secure, sustainable, and cost-efficient energy solutions for industry.

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Volterica - Wirtschaftliche Argumente für nachhaltige Investitionen

Taking Your Energy System to the next Level

Digital Twin & Operating Simulation

Unlock the potential of your data (e.g., from ISO50001) with seamless integration into our machine learning-powered simulation tools for optimized operations.

Strategy Development & Systems design

We highlight investment and action options and quantify their economic viability. We analyze risks and opportunities, and derive actionable 'playbooks'.

Project Planning & Partner Mediation

With us, you get a turnkey solution: energy management support, component design, contracts, and implementation partners.

Your Benefits

Predictability & Security

Taking long-term energy management beyond regulatory affairs (e.g. ISO50001), supported by algorithms and machine learning

Provide a holistic view of the energy system with all sources, consumers, and losses at a glance

Visualize in a way that's understandable for all stakeholders: energy managers, auditors, bankers, executives, etc.

Make complexity manageable: we develop a portfolio of all relevant components for you, including a roadmap and action plans

Security amidst changing regulatory and political frameworks – keeping contingency plans ready for every scenario

Cost savings & Optimization

Demonstrate cost- and emission-optimized operations, both now and in the future, while identifying additional potential

Prevent misinvestments and eliminate unfavorable path dependencie

Optimize contract and revenue structures – real-time markets, PPAs, energy flexibility, grid fees, etc.

Make data- and simulation-driven investment decisions – designing the cost-optimal asset portfolio

Economically Viable Sustainability

Develop a roadmap and economic strategy for CO2 neutrality based on data-driven insights

Easily establish integrated emission accounting for each site

Validate renewable investments and hydrogen concepts

Get economic arguments for sustainable investments

Clearly present the sustainability impacts of energy investments for capital providers and CSR

Your Future-Proof Energy Concept in 4-6 Weeks. Efficient, Secure, and With Minimal Personnel Effort From Your Side.

Here’s how you can take control of the future of your energy systems with us:

Initial Contact & Assessment

In a collaborative workshop, we assess your current situation and data, using ISO50001 or other relevant frameworks as a foundation.

1 Week

Digital Twin

We model the energy and production system of the site, creating a configurable digital twin.

1-2 Weeks

Volterica Energiesystemmodell - Digitaler Zwilling des Industrie-Standortes
Volterica Dashboard mit dem Energieeffizienz für Industrieunternehmen sichtbar wird
Operational Simulation

We test scenarios, trading strategies and investment options in the simulation.

1 Week

Analysis, Design, Strategy

We evaluate results with a goal-oriented approach, identifying and quantifying potentials, risks, and strategies. All results are delivered to you through interactive online dashboards and reports.

1-2 Weeks

Volterica Auswertung von ROI-optimaler Systemauslegung die zu großer Kosteneinsparung und Verhinderung von Fehlinvestitionen führt
Concrete Implementation

We connect you with partners for the concrete implementation of the design and strategy, and provide tailored support until the successful completion of the project.

Schedule a Consultation Now

Dipl.-Ing. Hubert Brüning

Our Team

Simon Kammerer

Technical Director

Jan-Eric Wörheide

Managing Director

Paul Wenzlokat


Hubert Brüning


Alexander Schmied
